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surf programs/ levels

Mermaid Surf School offers a variety of fun and empowering surf programs to support you along your unique surf journey. This guide will help you choose the best Mermaid Surf program based on your current surf level. If you have any questions, please message us and we will help you get started!

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  • new surfers

  • still learning the basics (board control, paddling, reading waves, catching waves, popping-up, etc...)

  • needs assistance or guidance, from an instructor, to safely paddle and catch waves

  • ​lacks the knowledge, skills, and confidence to surf independently (and that's okay!)

Recommended Programs: lessons, beginner camps

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  • does NOT require an instructor or assistance to surf safely in a large group

  • demonstrates basic surf etiquette and awareness in the line-up

  • maintains board control and can perform a turtle roll

  • ​able to catch waves without assistance (it doesn't have to be pretty ladies!)

  • can surf independently, but may not have the depth of surf knowledge & skills required to be considered an INTERMEDIATE surfer 

Recommended Programs: beginner and/or intermediate camps, coaching, surf club

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  • an independent surfer who also understands:

    • surf conditions and forecasting (wind, currents, tides, swells)​

    • surf etiquette and awareness in the line-up

    • how to read waves, angle the take-off, & pop-up with consistency 

    • how to turn and utilize the face of the wave

    • how to surf a hardtop surfboard 

Recommended Programs: coaching, surf club 



  • an experienced surfer who posses all of the knowledge and skills of an intermediate surfer as well as the following criteria:

    • can confidently surf in a variety of conditions and is able to surf a variety of boards​

    • maintains board control in large/heavy surf and able to duck-dive (shorter boards)

    • able to control surfboard to maximize the energy of the wave (pumping, cross-stepping, turning)

    • able to perform a variety of maneuvers and express personal style with confidence and stoke

Recommended Programs: coaching, surf club

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